‘My Sevenoaks Community’ Announcement

Posted On: December 7, 2020
Created By: Manak

Manak Solicitors are delighted to announce the acquisition of My Sevenoaks Community from Mountain Marketing Ltd.

We are equally pleased to announce that Steph Harrison will be managing the business from today, independently and outside of Manak Solicitors. She will be amalgamating her incredibly successful ‘Sevenoaks Community’ social pages into the ‘My Sevenoaks Community’ brand with immediate effect, bringing everything under one cohesive brand.

Steph commented on the move, “I’m absolutely over the moon to be taking on the My Sevenoaks Community’ role again; with the backing and technology behind me from Manak this is going to be extremely exciting for the town. They’re committed to making sure this brand grows and benefits every single person in and around Sevenoaks. I have a great relationship with the guys there and know that there is huge potential with this to do some amazing work for Sevenoaks. It’s also brilliant that we all have one community brand now- far less confusing!”.

MSC has launched today with a new and improved look, more streamlined website and big plans for 2021. Head of Marketing at Manak Solicitors, Ben Frost, is looking forward to helping the brand go from strength to strength: “The town has been fantastic to us since we arrived in 2018 and we have always worked very closely with My Sevenoaks Community as their main sponsor. We have worked extensively with Steph personally too, through our work with Breast Cancer Now. So, when the opportunity arose to acquire this brand we knew instantly that it was a perfect fit and having Steph in place to run it is the final piece of the jigsaw. She will have the freedom to run My Sevenoaks Community just as before and we will be working behind the scenes to improve the website functionality and content offering over time for the benefit of everyone. We see this as an opportunity to give something back to this town and we will do everything we can to support Steph, ensuring this is a real community hub that everyone can be proud of”.

mysevenoakscommunity.com is live now and will be updated extensively over the coming weeks.