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Your Wills Solicitors

It isn’t the happiest topic to broach but writing a Will is something that every adult needs to think about. In the tragic event of someone’s passing, a well-structured Will can make the difficult time immediately afterwards slightly easier on their friends and family.

At Manak Solicitors, we approach the subject of will writing with an empathetic ear, years of experience and a drive to make the process as painless as possible for you and your loved ones.

With Manak Solicitors, the whole process can take less than two weeks. We will send you a draft Will within a week of meeting you. Once approved by you, we will endeavour to schedule a meeting to sign the will within the following week.

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Wills & Probate Director

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Why Write a Will?

Writing a robust and clear will is one of the most important measures you can make to ensure that your assets, finances and possessions are protected after your passing; ensuring that your loved ones receive what you want them to with minimal complications. You’re not just protecting your legacy, you’re helping the ones closest to you feel secure before and after you’re gone.

Some of the reasons why you should ensure that you write a will include:

  • You can appoint trusted people (Executors) to administrate your assets once you have passed
  • You can pass on specific gifts, such as cash or possessions to specific people and family members
  • You can nominate guardians to look after your children or dependents
  • You can direct where your residuary estate is to pass
  • You can protect your family home by allowing your partner to continue living in it, while ultimately passing it to children or other beneficiaries
  • You can specify your funeral wishes to make the process simpler for your family

If you pass away before writing a will, everything you leave behind will be divided according to the fixed rules of intestacy. This essentially means that your assets and possessions will be divided among your surviving relatives subject to a set law, and not through the wishes of yourself and your loved ones. This could lead to a situation where people you would like to benefit from your estate receive nothing and could leave your beneficiaries open to an unnecessarily large tax bill.


The cost of hiring a solicitor to ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible and that your intentions are clear is well worth the investment. If your will isn’t legally secure, your family could incur the cost of expensive legal battles or unnecessary tax bills.

With that in mind, Manak Solicitors have a fixed rate when it comes to drawing up wills:

  • Single will: £300 plus VAT
  • Mirror wills for a couple: £500 plus VAT
  • Asset protection will per person: £500 plus VAT
  • Declaration of trust: £500 plus VAT
Do You Need a Solicitor?

Yes, you absolutely should work with a Solicitor when drawing up your will. If you write your own will, there is a genuine risk that you won’t sign it in accordance of the law, or you use language that can be misinterpreted or manipulated after your death.

Many people who would consider themselves beneficiaries of your estate that you might not, can enlist the services of their own Solicitor to take advantage of any loopholes you may have inadvertently included in your will to stake a claim to your assets. You can protect your estate and your beneficiaries by contacting Manak Solicitors and ensuring that you leave behind exactly what you intend to.


A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a legal agreement that allows you to appoint one or more people (attorneys) to help you make important decisions regarding your estate or to make decisions on your behalf if you are unable to.

It is a good way for you to ensure that you have provisions in place should you have an accident or illness that prevents you from making sound decisions. There are two different types of lasting power of attorney:

Health and welfare lasting power of attorney

If you are unable to make your own sound and informed decisions, this LPA will allow a nominated attorney to make decisions on issues such as:

  • Medical care
  • Moving into care homes
  • Your daily routine (Eating, washing, etc.)
  • Life-sustaining treatment
Property and financial affairs lasting power of attorney.

This LPA gives an attorney the authority to make decisions concerning money and property on your behalf. It covers issues such as:

  • Bills
  • Collecting benefits
  • Pensions
  • Selling a home or property
  • Banking or buildings society accounts

What if I already have an enduring power of attorney?
You may wish to consider revoking the enduring power of attorney and replacing it with both types of lasting power of attorney. They provide much better protection against fraud, as well as health and welfare decision-making powers.

How much do lasting powers of attorney cost?
Nominating people in your life to hold responsibilities over you and your estate is a big decision and, while important, not one to be taken lightly. At Manak Solicitors, we offer fixed rates on these agreements and will advise you on how to make the documents as effective for your situation as possible.

  • One lasting power of attorney (i.e. just Property or Health) = £600 plus VAT
  • Two lasting powers of attorney (i.e. both Property and Health) = £1000 plus VAT
  • Additional Office of the Public Guardian registration fee = £82 per document

How long does it take to write an LPA?
We can take your wishes for lasting powers of attorney and send out draft documents within one week of the consultation. Once they have been approached and signed by you and your attorneys, we immediately send them for registration at the Office of the Public Guardian, where they currently take between eight and ten weeks to register lasting powers of attorney.

Other Services

In addition, Manak Solicitors also offers the following asset protection services:

  • Preparing and registering Lasting Powers of Attorney
  • Registration of Enduring Powers of Attorney
  • Deputyship and Court of Protection Applications (including Statutory Wills)
  • Advice on Inheritance Tax issues and tax planning
  • Advice on Trusts
  • Preparation of Deeds of Trust over property

Most of our wills services are offered to clients for a fixed fee so you know the costs upfront. Should you require any further information about our costs or services, please call our Orpington office on 01689 870769 or our Gravesend office on 01474 324529.

We’re an experienced, professional, but importantly friendly team that understands that every person’s situation is different. Approaching the subject of wills and LPAs can be sensitive and sometimes difficult; that’s why we take every consultation with a considered, human approach. You’ll get honest advice from a Solicitor who wants to ensure that your estate and future are in the strongest possible position.

With offices in Orpington, Sevenoaks and Gravesend, we’re close at hand to discuss any questions you may have regarding making a will or an LPA. If you can’t make it to a branch, we’re available for a phone or video consultations as well.



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Manak Solicitors is a trading name of Manak Lawyers Limited registered at Companies’ House in England & Wales Company Number: 09877015

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Manak Solicitors is a trading name of Manak Lawyers Limited registered at Companies’ House in England & Wales Company Number: 09877015

Manak Lawyers Limited is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under SRA No. 627738, 628462 & 648124

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